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About us

The Smart Apartments AG is specialized on the rental of serviced apartments. In our 152 apartments in Lucerne, Zug and Zurich we offer the best comfort in prime locations.

«We treat customers like our friends because you can't feel more comfortable than in a best friend's living room.»

The Art Of Living

Short or Long Stay

fully furnished
24/7 check-In
free WiFi + TV
washing facility
incl. additional costs
Power, Heating, Water
short or long stays

Our Fans

Flexible, spontaneous, uncomplicated ‒ all-in-one

The handling of the booking at Smart Apartments was from the beginning very easy and fast. Within a day I had the signed lease for the apartment. Also during the rental period the service was very professional and uncomplicated.
Maria, Relocation Consultant
The young and dedicated team of Smart Apartments helped me competently with questions about the apartment but also about the region. The service is amazing and makes the living experience unique.
Rolf, returning from abroad
The flexible lease contract helped me a lot for the start in Switzerland. It really helped to get settled within the first few months and I could take my time to find a permanent living solution.
John, Expat
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